Are You Feeling Lost + Alone?


Your Mind Requires Tune Up

It is NEVER quiet between your ears. You think thoughts about the thoughts you are thinking.

So having a calm mind seems foreign to you in a way that words can't really help you express.

Not being able to sit cross legged and ohm yourself to bliss feels like something else you gotta conquer and if you are honest it stresses you out and makes your shoulders ache.

You feel like an island: lost and alone.

As if no one else could possibly understand how you feel.

The only thing that feels 'safe' to do is to think. Only this has bitten you in the butt because you are in an endless loop of thinking.

You were taught to be a thinker.

Not to trust your body OR your feelings.

Is Baby In the Corner?

Somehow, these things got lumped in as soft skills, not based in reality.

Your default is to be logical because you want to be taken seriously - to get on with it and to get things done.

But you are tired, matter of fact, you are past tired. You have been tired since your were a little person.

Your body is trying to get your attention, it needs you to pay attention, but…

You are fried. Can't somebody else deal with this?

Haven't you put out enough fires?

It is doing anything and everything to get your attention, but the voice in your head is looouud. It has all of your attention and your energy.

The voice is so cunning and convincing, it has you believing that its voice is the actual YOU.

Body Conscious

Now back to your body, it makes do with what you give it (but like everything else, it has its limits before it runs empty).

What if, you gave your body ‘a place’ in the decision-making process of your life? Trusted its wisdom, you know what it is intended to do.

The brain 'alone' wasn't made to operate all by itself. Don't believe me? Google: The three brains.

Creativity, grace, beauty and the mystique of the Universe lives inside of your body. Everybody. Your feelings allow you to pay attention. To actually, know which way to go and not feel like an island.

But you have habitually ignored the slight nudges, the feelings of maybe 'this isn’t quite right for me' until your body has to manifest a cold or feelings of sadness or depression. Everyone has been there, you are not alone.

No one can make the journey of discovery 'for' you.

Because along the way, whatever you find is for you and only for you.

The point I am driving home here is: feeling like you are 'lost' and 'alone' is an invitation to look inside to seek your answers.

It is a perfect storm of quiet required for you to investigate...YOU.

Your feelings are of course valid, however it is not enough to just acknowledge them - you must dig or it will become quicksand and ruin you where you stand.

Prerequisite : Rest

You will never get untired until you rest your mind.

Your ego has you in a chokehold believing that you are only your mind AND that you can control or should want to control it all.

Your mind is to be utilized in the correct way (right thinking) a processing center but not as an island. It literally has two other centers to 'weigh' any given situation.

Does this mean that you will magically have friends and everyone shall love you? means that as you learn that you are a whole being AND that your entire body is here to assist you it allows you space in your operating system aka your brain to process information.

- to find and ask a question

The biggest killer of adulthood is the assumption that you need to know or should know the answer to whatever, whenever, where ever before the inception (insert : random thing) has been born.

Want to rush to get old? Bury curiosity and interest and assume you know it already.

Many have bits of information, but unless and until the thing you profess to know is living + present in your do not KNOW it.

Applied knowledge is experiential. The place of knowing. Can't get there without some questions.

In this place, you can discover how to be alone (trusting yourself) without being lonely.

What Are You Supposed To Do?

Insert objections of justification and rationalization of why you can’t. Get empty.

Now that that is out of your system...

Soothe yourself. Distract yourself. Back away from ‘it’ just for a little while.

It seems counter-intuitive, but in fact: creativity and problem-solving skills only show up when there is flow. And the space to receive the messages.

Get out of your head, drop into your body. Get still. Listen. Take a breath. And then another one.

If the answer were in your head, you would have it (the answer) already.

Give yourself a break and listen to your breath. Or to nothing.

I advise my clients to close their eyes. It is amazing how difficult this is for so many people. It's a whole skill set!

Even if you work in a 9 - 5, go to a bathroom stall...line the toilet, sit down, close your eyes and take a beat - at least 5 to 10 breaths. Do this at least once a day.

When you connect to yourself, you will realize you are indeed NOT alone.

It quiets the monkey mind and decreases cortisol in your body. And it is the secret sauce of feeling grounded and congruent is when your mind AND your body have equal say in your life.

Give it a go: you deserve to have access to ALL of you.


Fonda shares: 'When I was a massage therapist, I noticed the common thread of physical pain that people expressed. It inspired me to pull on the 'why' of pain: No matter what walk of life, the disconnect (pain) is basically the same.

People are fearful that the love (they are seeking in all areas of their lives), they aren't worthy of it.

The fact IS unless and until you accept yourself, to remember your worthiness and love yourself in plain sight - no one else's love can full you up. This is the Wholeness journey + the cycle of pain can cease.'

Fonda Clayton Smith is the founder of Wholeness Lab, a community based platform for those who are ready to own their sovereignty and embody their Sacred Wholeness.

She helps women recognize that splitting themselves into pieces and parts of themselves is disempowering and will always have them looking outside of the self for validation.

Fonda is a Certified Life Coach, Polarity Therapist, Licensed Massage Therapist, published author, podcaster and Mother of Personal Freedom.

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