Accept that Failure is Just Feedback and Embrace it as a Learning Journey


Redefining Failure

Whoever told you that failure exists lied to you with a straight face.

Failure doesn’t exist. It’s just feedback of how to do something differently.

Mostly all of the work I do in my profession assists my clients to unpack the lies that are holding them back in this life.

Imagine if you didn’t get walking ‘right’ the FIRST time you did it and were made to feel like walking just isn’t for you so you shouldn’t and didn’t bother to ever try again in your life.

The muscles in your legs would atrophy, the ligaments and tendons would become flaccid and your breathing is now hindered.

All because you ‘failed’ after one try to do something you have never done before.

Thankfully, if you were physically able you were encouraged and you had the internal compass to try again until you ‘got’ the hang of it.

This is true of ANYthing that you attempt to do in your lifetime.

Don’t believe the hype. You are not alone and you will always be a beginner at something provided you are always reaching for more in your life.

First Time Experience

When I tried on rental roller skates for the first time, I was thrilled and horrified all at the same time.

My song was playing (no I don’t remember what the song was - but getting to the wood was urgent (that’s what true skaters call it).

Everyone was going so fast and they were so big.

Granted I was eight years old. Once I realized I had never been on skates, my legs wobbled.

I (barely) made it to the wall that separated the ‘safe zone’ from the skating floor. I watched as people grooved to the beat, laughing, turning and balancing themselves on their skates.

I marveled at them AND I wanted to be one of them!

All nervousness and doubt left me and I dashed on the floor and fell immediately.

I got up quickly, I wanted to twirl and get lost in the music too.

But, it did not happen on that day or many days and months to come.

*Archive Find : previous version of this blog post

Learning From Feedback

Template was set : I had a picture in my mind of what I wanted to feel like and look like from my first experience of being in a roller rink.

I tried again and again for years. I didn’t let a fall or a bruise stop me from my roller skating goals.

My mother, my brother and me were obsessed.

Skating took up all day Saturdays and Sundays from 10am or 11am to 7pm.

My mom and me planned our outfits in advance.

I practiced my turns or whatever I was working on mastering at the time in between sessions, I made every moment count.

The Power of Persistence

"I love this game. I live this game. There's a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game. Obsession is going to beat talent every time".

-Stanley Sugerman (Adam Sandler) HUSTLE 2022 NETFLIX

If I accepted failure, I would have taken those skates off where I landed on my butt when I fell the first time, tossed them somewhere and never looked back.

But the spark that was ignited was so much bigger than what being a beginner looked like from the outside.

There is no failure just feedback.

Meeting the floor or bumping into someone was my feedback to slow down, turn or accelerate.

It never stopped me because the potential of fun was on the other side.

Original Photo by Katie Rodriguez on Unsplash

Visioning Success

The success is the fun I was experiencing.

How can you know what success is if you don’t fall?

Answer : You Can’t.

You will need to regroup, review where you misstepped and then do it again.

See the end in mind, see yourself accomplishing the goal.

The key is to not give up on the dreams you have for your life.

So…’FAIL’ quickly.

Well - That’s Resilient

Thomas Edison is credited with creating the incandescent light bulb. It is said that he attempted this 10,000 times.

Can you imagine doing something ten thousand times before you strike ‘success’?

Here is what he thought about ‘failure’: “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

So, no matter what it looks like - you just keep going.

Grace in the Journey

No matter where you are in your journey, remember that every attempt is a victory in itself.

Failure isn't a final destination; it's part of the landscape on your path to success.

Wholistic Q's

  • What’s one thing you can do today that you’ve been putting off because you fear failure?
  • How many times have you given up when you were close to your success?
  • If you could NOT fail, what would you start or continue today?
  • Do you dare to let it live? and take imperfect action…

Be kind to yourself when you don’t know the steps.

Mantra : My worth is not defined by my achievements but by my willingness to keep trying.

Acknowledge that you are growing and evolving.

Celebrate your small victories, lean into your community (p.s. this could be a community of one…) for support, and keep pushing forward with the knowledge that every step brings you closer to your dream.

Remember, every expert was once a beginner.

EVERYone struggles with SOMEthing : I don’t care WHAT their digital photo album aka social media displays.

It is okay to seek help and take the necessary breaks.

So go ahead - fail quickly, learn deeply, and embrace the process with grace.


Fonda shares: 'When I was a massage therapist, I noticed the common thread of physical pain that people expressed. It inspired me to pull on the 'why' of pain: No matter what walk of life, the disconnect (pain) is basically the same.

People are fearful that the love (they are seeking in all areas of their lives), they aren't worthy of it.

The fact IS unless and until you accept yourself, to remember your worthiness and love yourself in plain sight - no one else's love can full you up. This is the Wholeness journey + the cycle of pain can cease.'

Fonda Clayton Smith is the founder of Wholeness Lab, a community based platform for those who are ready to own their sovereignty and embody their Sacred Wholeness.

She helps women recognize that splitting themselves into pieces and parts of themselves is disempowering and will always have them looking outside of the self for validation.

Fonda is a Certified Life Coach, Polarity Therapist, Licensed Massage Therapist, published author, podcaster and Mother of Personal Freedom.

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